"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Day of Surprises

For being on the other side of the country far from my family on my birthday it was a wonderful day which actually began the day before with a card and call from Natalie . She called me again first thing birthday morning....a very nice way to start the day. I found a card from my ERC friends under my laptop before I left work yesterday and this morning I found a card and gift card from Sister Peterson to Applebee's. Such fun! It was a normal busy day at the ERC but I did find three people who had gotten jobs, so, Happy Birthday to me...one of the best gifts. I was working with one of my favorite candidates, Geizi, when I saw Brother Hainey walk in with a watermelon which I thought was strange since Friday he and his wife are off! A few minutes later my companion told me the office was waiting for me for a surprise birthday party! I had to explain to Geize why I had to cut short our time. This picture includes Paul Hainey, Karen Findlay, the birthday girl, Sister Peterson, Barry Carson, Fran Hainey (foreground), Jacqueline Lovel-Lantz, Melaney, and in the photo, my supervisor, Daryl Blount. I had no picture of his daughter, Kelley who is a volunteer and just an A+ girl. Karen made a delicious pound cake and Jacqueline furnished the cut up fresh fruit, and of course...Elder Hainey brought the watermelon! There was a phone call for me during the festivities.....when I picked up the phone it was Daryl and Kelley singing Happy Birthday to me! Sister Peterson and I worked until 5 and then went to Applebee's for dinner. Near the end of my meal the waitress said someone wanted to pay for my meal! It was one of those twilight zone type feelings as I looked around the restaurant. Who here could possibly 1. Know it was my birthday and 2. Want to pay for my dinner?! It turns out that Geize was there for dinner and saw me come in. Hence the picture below of sweet Geizi.

This is Geizi Almazan-Sanabria, and she doesn't know it yet, but she is going to be a Primary President, a Young Women's President, and a Relief Society President. She lives very close to Heavenly Father through prayer, scriptures and obedience. Today she accepted a Book of Mormon. It is so clearly evident how Heavenly Father is orchestrating her life and bestowing many blessings on her including a good man for her husband. She knows how to determine what is truth and what she should let go of, so I am expecting the spirit will witness to her of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as she reads it. Geizi has her MBA and is working towards her CPA so she can have her own business, have children and be home with them most of everyday. It is such a privilege to know her.

My surprises continued as we arrived home and I found a package from Rory and Cambria. It is official....I am truly a missionary as I got a care package!!! It had some chocolate!, a box of granola, a beautiful candle in blue blown glass to remind me of the ocean, some blue dishtowels, and a glorious photo frame with three pictures of Hudson, one of which is with Cambria! Adorable! I also received letters and notes from the Robertsons and from the Creers, along with a gift card to Target. The Creers also called and left me a message singing Happy Birthday. Derek called that evening and Dani texted. Today from Marissa and family I got a beautiful framed picture of the children taken at Howard Amon along with snowflake pictures. Chad texted saying Bonnie and children would be in the ATlanta airport next SAturday with a layover. We will be there! Sister Satterfield, the mission president's wife called and left me the nicest message...makes time for the individual missionary. I have felt very blessed by family and friends.

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