"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Fourth of July

Sister Peterson and I volunteered to help in the Bishop's Storehouse this morning. This is the sight that greeted us when we pulled into the parking lot. This is one long building that houses, starting at the far end in the picture, CES, Family Services, then us, the Employment Resource Center, then the Bishop's Storehouse. It seems that sometime over the weekend an 18 wheeler turned into our parking lot and hit a water hydrant somehow. I suppose there were tracks or some kind of evidence that led the director to that conclusion. The CES and Family Services portions of the building are flooded, but the rest of us are alright, gratefully. With all of this sand coming up from underground the concern is for sinkholes, so we will see what happens from here. It was a pleasure working with pleasant people this morning and there will be some happy people in Alabama when their month's supply of food rolls into town tomorrow.
Dr. Basra invited Sister Peterson and myself to go see the Hindu mandir which was built in 2007 not far from our apartment. We had to take a rain check as Karen Findlay, our immediate supervisor invited us over for dinner today. It was very nice to meet her husband, Jay and their son and daughter-in-law, Josh, Natalie and baby Joshua. Jay was a rancher for 30 years, a stunt man, a bull rider, and now has 66 surgeries under his belt. He is in constant pain and we feel so badly for him. He is a gentleman and a doting grandpa. He was the Director of Temporal Affairs for the church for many years before he had to take a medical retirement at age 56. Karen is simply an amazing woman who takes good care of him, works, and keeps everything humming while being a loving grandmother and supportive of her son and daughter-in-law. It was a delicious meal and so nice to be in a family home again. It is thundering and lightening outside, so I don't know how many fireworks are going to be going off tonight. I love my country and am grateful to be living in a land of liberty.

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