"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Day

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new." - Rajneesh

This is my bedroom door with Mother's Day Greetings that I see every time I look up from my "desk".                                                                          Lucky Me!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Small Things to Remember From These Past Two Weeks

This is the design Get Israel screen printed on the front of a t-shirt he gave me.  It says, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" in his native language, Amharic

Scott, a professional who just got his dream job:  "For years I resisted asking LDS Employment for help, but I have come to learn that if you want the Lord's blessings, you have to use the Lord's programs and His servants."

The ripple effect from one member's living the gospel:  While being interviewed by the VP of a successful company, a candidate was asked an illegal question...."Are you a Mormom?"  When the candidate responded that yes, he was, the VP went on to say, "The manager at one of our plants is Mormon and is the hardest working man I know - full of integrity."  The interview was cut short and four days later, this candidate got a job offer.

Receiving an illustrated booklet from Macy and Davis portraying me as a "party-grandmother" whose sleepovers are missed."

The spirit in the Temple.

Karina calling me after she had a miscarriage to come spend a few hours with her.  Praying with her, Oscar, and their sons, Kevin and Joshua and feeling the out-pouring of love from Heavenly Father and the Savior for them and for the little one that is not with them at this time.

Awaiting the birth today of a precious new granddaughter.

Chad's sending prom pictures via text of McKay - so handsome in white!

She was just born...blonde hair and blue eyes..8 pounds and 10 ounces...April and baby are fine...and she's beautiful!

Attending an evangelical church meeting and feeling the spirit witness to the sincerity of a worshiper I looked at and of his love for God.

The experience of the Bible Study Group at Lee Ann's who is not a member of our church but who we feel a kinship with united by our love for Jesus Christ.

Get (pronounced "gate"), Reed, Douglas, Jayme, Wendy, Lindsey, all getting jobs.

Finding a kind note on my desk Monday morning from a former Stake President who is now the Stake Employment Specialist I work with in one of my three stakes.  The timing was perfect!

Legal advice from Chad to help a client.

An email from Pam saying she is going to attend one of our wards today all by herself.


Calloway Gardens - For the Beauty of the Earth

Our senior missionary outing last week was to Calloway Gardens, a bit south of us.  It was breath taking, but you know I love this kind of thing.  People can actually buy homes there and live in the Gardens!  We just missed the azaleas...they are planted throughout the "forest".  There is something going on there every season...wake board contest in summer...hot air balloons in September...triathalons...fly-fishing school...mystery theater...monarch tagging and more.  A lovely day in a beautiful place with great people.