"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Enjoying Our Fellow Residents at the Bar-b-que

After attending the temple at 9 a.m. Sister Peterson and I ran a few errands and then went to the Apartment's First Annual Resident Bar-b-Que. We volunteered as servers and were able to meet everybody who stopped by for a hamburger or a hot dog. These are our two handymen, Walter and Fred. We were able to clear up some misconceptions with one lady who thought we were similar to the Amish. She wants to go to Salt Lake and see how the Mormons live and meet some of them. We told her she already knows two! After three hours we started to wilt a bit so we called it an afternoon and headed for our cool apartment. Dr. Basra dropped a DVD off at our office about three brothers who were raised separately by a Hindu, a Christian and a ???????? We watched it with English subtitles and enjoyed the storyline, recognizing it was the strong family theme that made Dr. Basra feel we would like it. After dinner we went to the church for a baptism but realized the message that came to me through a Relief Society email was for a baptism in my home ward!!! Oh, dear, it seems we got all dressed up just to pick up our mail! There was the very nice birthday package from Marissa and family! Rory called today and Hudson "talked" to me a little bit. Marissa had sent me an email about Celestial Education for our children as opposed to the public school system. Since it is P-day, I watched half of the video and found it most enlightening. Also in the birthday package Marissa sent was a ticket for me for $70. I remember the situation with my being from out of state and not knowing the area, I pulled out of a turn lane only, into a straight through lane so I wouldn't be forced to enter the freeway. Caught on camera! Don't they realize people from out of state do silly things like that? There wasn't any traffic coming! I got an email from President Satterfield letting all the missionaries know Elder Ballard is coming to our mission in August!

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