"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Saturday, June 25, 2011

She Thought We Deserved Flowers...

A lovely lady in our office felt that teaching our first Career Workshop and living to tell about it was cause to celebrate, so she gave Sister Peterson and I flowers. How did she know I love roses?! Our caseload is getting larger and larger with no end in sight....so many good people trying to find work. We are into a schedule with attending the temple...every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. We stopped by the mall to see Ashley again. She was warm and receptive but since her family moved and was busy settling in, she has not had time to read from the BoM. Last night we took Oscar and Karina (who were LDS as children) and their two boys to a Mexican Fiesta Fund Raiser for the scouts in the Spanish Branch. Oscar said that when he is without work (construction) he feels like the sinking Titanic with water coming up to his neck and into his mouth. Pretty vivid description. A Russian gentleman came in yesterday....he lost his job of four years because his wife got mad at him and had him thrown in jail. I recognize I hear one side of the story, but even if part of what he told me was true....the Jewish mother who favors the oldest son.....yes, and there is more, but I will refrain. We had a PRONET meeting (networking) Thursday night at our building. One of the interesting comments from the speaker that stuck with me was that employers are hiring people who are already working or recently fired, yes fired. They want someone they don't have to train and who is already up to speed....doing more with less. Now just try and get that valuable experience! I am telling some of my candidates, with my boss's approval, to volunteer to do an unpaid internship for two weeks, or a month and see if it turns into full time. Today we traveled south to visit two wards and promote our services. We enjoy the sameness and the uniqueness of the wards we visit. One branch is getting a brand new building because activity dropped 30% when they were assigned to a ward half an hour away...people just can't afford the gas in many instances. They were formerly meeting in a renovated bank. Here are some acronymns I learned today: PUSH: Pray until something happens; OWTS: Obedience Warms the Soul. How many ITL's have you had this week? Invitations to Learn. Not surprisingly, the number of people baptized increases with the number of ITlL's accomplished. One young single mother in RS asked everyone to pray for her as she has an job interview at a fast food place on Tuesday. When Sister Peterson and I were leaving church to return home we saw her mother with the hood up on the car in the parking lot...walking into the building to get assistance. It is just hard to see so many people with basic needs challenges! Imagine if any one of us were facing the prospect of being turned out of our homes onto the street with nowhere to go! I cannot wait for the day when we fully live the law of Consecration and the United Order!

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