"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our Visit to a Sikh Conference

Friday night Dr. Basra invited us to a Sikh Conference being attended by devotees from as far away as New York and Canada. We arrived and took off our shoes and wrapped scarves around our heads. Dr. Basra was running a little late so we were there unattended but everyone was very gracious and welcoming. When Dr. Basra and his son arrived we ate "snacks" which was enough to be our dinner and then were given a guided tour of the paintings around the room. They were almost all depicting martyrdoms by faithful men, women and children who would not renounce their religion and join Islam. Sikhs are devoted to defending humanity and in particular defending women and children. They believe Jesus Christ was one who died for his beliefs. Several of their priests gathered around us and were sharing their desire to become one with God through meditation, which naturally rings true to Sister P and I. We were taken upstairs where all show respect for their last guru, which is depicted in their holy book. We stayed a respectful amount of time and then made our way to the exit but not before an elderly lady hugged us and expressed appreciation for our coming. We left grateful for devoted people who love God and will not waver in that belief. Dr. Basra agreed to attend our church and I am going to give him a Book of Mormon rather than engage in a lengthy discussion....just a short brief testimony of Heavenly Father and the Savior and then he can go directly to the scriptures and to God.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading each and every one of your posts. Your complete faith and diligence is inspiring. You are doing so much good!
