"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Monday, April 25, 2011

mimi and Caitlin Went Down to Provo

Saturday morning at 7 a.m. Caitlin, my grand-daughter,and I left for Provo...school for her, the MTC (Missionary Training Center) for me. The trip went quickly since I got to take two naps while Caitlin drove! We had no difficulties whatsoever and were very grateful. Caitlin and I both missed Cafe Rio, so we shared a bar-b-qued- pork salad for dinner. Easter Sunday was very enjoyable with a beautiful musical Easter Program at church. Has anyone heard the song, "Be Still and Know"? George Dyer has it on CD. After our meetings we visited Patti and Delray and then the Hansens. Scott came a little while before we had to leave so that was nice we got to see him as well as new little Evan. We went to Holladay for a lovely dinner with the Paces, Caitlin's roommate Abby's family. They had a family Easter Egg Hunt and rigged up string especially for Caitlin in the backyard to lead her to her basket. A returned missionary from Georgia said the highlight of his week was a four hour segment he spent at the Employment Center, helping people become self-reliant through employment. If they are not self reliant, he said, they cannot progress in their lives or in the gospel. It was really something special to be able to travel with Caitlin and spend the weekend with her. I heard the term "Quality GIrl" several times at the Pace home as they talked about different girls they would like to see their son date, and my Caitlin is definitely one in every way.

A story from church on Sunday: Two friends were walking in a desert when the one friend slapped the other. The man who was slapped, without saying a word, knelt in the sand and wrote the words, "Today my friend slapped me" and then they continued on their way. Later in the day, the slapped friend fell into some quicksand and was saved by his friend. The rescued friend walked over to a stone and carved the words, "Today my friend saved my life." His friend asked, "Why when I slapped you did you write in the sand, and when I saved your life, write in stone?" He answered, "When unkind things are done to you, you must let them go; when good is done to you, you must remember it always."

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