"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Day In The Life...

Career Workshop Day - our seventh, so you think we would be prepared for anything, right? A. did not return today for the last day, as I predicted, as this kind intelligent gentleman was frustrated by the slow pace of our class since we had sweet R, who has a learning disability. M has serious issues that are being addressed through counseling and medication. He was a star athlete in high school, went to several years of college, served a mission, but something happened there that caused him to "trip out". President Allen does not know what happened, but he had to come home, despite the Mission President's best efforts working with him. M never spoke one word, drifted out of class for most of the day, but while in class would start giggling at nothing. Elder Gibson took him next door to Family Services for a short meeting before returning w/a referral form for the Bishop so they can work with him. During lunch I met D, a tall black man who has a heart of gold and who is looking for work. He was thrilled to finally have an email account,(which we had just set up) be registered on our website, have hope renewed, be invited and accept an invitation by another candidate in the office to accept a Book of Mormon and be picked up on Saturday to watch Conference. I invited him to go with the Gibsons to the Gladys Knight Fireside in November, as they were looking for someone to invite and he readily accepted. I invited M, another candidate in the office to go with Sister P and I to the Fireside, and she accepted as well. Dr. Basra called during dinner and invited us to Sikh Services Friday night to which a "humpty dumpty black man who is a coach is also going, along with a woman who asked to attend and who was told, "perfect, as two sisters are coming also". On our walk, we saw D, so I was able to give him the pass along card I have been carrying each walk for the past week, sending him to Mormon.org to check out Kevin, a member who is a professional skateboarder! Catherine texted and said she would call later as the kids got in trouble and her parents were over. Sigita, the Lithuanian genealogist I hired to find my maternal ancestors, said she found birth, baptismal and marriage dates after 30 hours of research which she would send me upon receipt of 240 Euros, which I am happy to do....most grateful. I think mother must be helping on the other side. It is only 10 p.m. so there is plenty of time for something else to happen today!

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