"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bits and Pieces

One of our candidates learned about the principle of fasting, and applied it for the first time in her life as she is discouraged about not being able to find work. She has a Masters Degree and is a fledgling author. She fasted a week ago Saturday, and last week we found her a part-time job that just happened to come across my desk. She is one of the three ladies who has accepted an invitation from us to attend Gladys Knight's Fireside next month.
On our way to the temple Friday at 4:00 -- we were going as an office -- Sister P hit the curb of a tight round about and knew instantly there was a problem. Two men came running as they heard a loud noise, which we didn't hear, and knew someone was in trouble. Toung changed the tire, which had a 2x4 inch hole in it, and then Rick, who was riding a bike, led us to the Chevron he has been frequenting for 32 years. We were on a side road, so were very grateful these two knights in shining armor were there to help. Rick thought we were nuns!
I received a letter this week from Adomas Riauka, my 80 something second cousin of sorts in Lithuania. Tomorrow I will scan the letter at work and send it to my computer so google can translate it for me. He sent me a picture of him and his son at the grave of his dear Janine, along with a small wooden ornament -- a shirt with Lietuva written on it (Lithuania). Chad said he would go with me to visit him after my mission. Sigita, a professional genealogist in Lithuania found the marriage record of my maternal great grandparents, so now sealings can take place. It has been a long search over many years, and I am most grateful.
The weather is turning rainy so now instead of walking each evening, we are going to the exercise room where I am using the recumbent bike and Sister P is using the treadmill.
Today, one of our candidates overslept and missed attending church with us, which she very much enjoys and feels she needs. Every Sunday for the last four weeks a challenge has presented itself resulting in her not coming....we discussed how Satan operates like this. She gave her copy of the Book of Mormon to her son, so she has requested another for her. She has been listening to the "Woman at the Well" CD and feels a great uplift from the messages.
One candidate I am working with called me during church and left a voice mail saying there was an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Mormons that she thought I might be interested in! She has taken an interest in the I'm A Mormon ads....now if she will take an interested in becoming one herself.
Last night at Dr. Basra's invitation we attended the G6 Summit, a concert of ancient Sikh music performed by musicians from six countries. One goal of the Sikh religion is to promote brotherhood and peace throughout the world. Very simply stated, I could see where my Sikh friends could be transported (their words) by the music and lyrics, but since the words were Punjabi, I could only sense devotion. I thought of the significance of the Lord's design for the gospel's going forth to every people in their native tongue.
It is going to be difficult for me to return to the Tri-Cities and see nothing but white faced people after coming to love and appreciate the goodness of my special friends who come from many different cultures and persuasions.

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