C came to church today and once again our prayers have been answered: she was walking with no ill effects from her injury and she felt the spirit of Sacrament Meeting from beginning to end. She could only stay for this one meeting . Elder Nelson and I spoke at length of her situation. He is going to most likely be transferred soon and wants to arrange for several sisters to fellowship her. I agree as I think Daryl is going to be sending us out again on Sundays very soon to promote our services among the stakes. I encouraged Elder Nelson to fast and pray that C will get employment so she can move out and establish a happy healthy home. She is doing all she can to accomplish that.
Yesterday we went to the temple and did initiatories. The spirit was strong, not because the women were present, but in verification of the truthfulness and power of these ordinances; also as a witness that they were indeed performed anciently. I cherished the experience. The last name I did was Mary....born in England in 1638...and her I felt. Before going in, I recognized Vicki who had been a lady I worked with at the ERC. She waited for me and invited Sister P and I to go to lunch with her at the Dekalb Farmer's Market...one of our favorite places. Vicki had shared with me a special experience she had relative to General Conference many years ago when her daughter was young and rambunctious. Those were the days when we all met at church to watch the proceedings from Salt Lake. She found herself wondering why in the world she was there when all she was doing was struggling with her lively daughter; she stayed however and was able to hear James E. Faust's talk on something like "Keys That Never Rust". In his talk he mentioned a small group of people who sought refuge in the Alps from the Catholic Church. Vicki's grandfather was descended from these Waldesians. The founder of the group came to realize that it was possible for a man (or woman) to receive revelation directly from God without the need of a priest. He and all who thought as he, the Waldesians, were branded as heretics and fled to the caves of the Alps. Whenever some of them were discovered by the "catholic militia" or whatever their name was, the cave entrance was blocked, a fire was built and they were smothered alive. Elder Faust's mentioning them in his talk that day was a witness to her that HF was mindful of her as an individual and there would be something said specifically for her.
Received an interesting call this week from a Major Denise Smith, a former military MP who recently moved here from Florida where she was the Executive Director of a Private School for troubled kids. She sent her resume for review and also sent me links to her websites. Am also working with a 62 year old grandmother
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