"And so we see it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A Day In The Life...
Career Workshop Day - our seventh, so you think we would be prepared for anything, right? A. did not return today for the last day, as I predicted, as this kind intelligent gentleman was frustrated by the slow pace of our class since we had sweet R, who has a learning disability. M has serious issues that are being addressed through counseling and medication. He was a star athlete in high school, went to several years of college, served a mission, but something happened there that caused him to "trip out". President Allen does not know what happened, but he had to come home, despite the Mission President's best efforts working with him. M never spoke one word, drifted out of class for most of the day, but while in class would start giggling at nothing. Elder Gibson took him next door to Family Services for a short meeting before returning w/a referral form for the Bishop so they can work with him. During lunch I met D, a tall black man who has a heart of gold and who is looking for work. He was thrilled to finally have an email account,(which we had just set up) be registered on our website, have hope renewed, be invited and accept an invitation by another candidate in the office to accept a Book of Mormon and be picked up on Saturday to watch Conference. I invited him to go with the Gibsons to the Gladys Knight Fireside in November, as they were looking for someone to invite and he readily accepted. I invited M, another candidate in the office to go with Sister P and I to the Fireside, and she accepted as well. Dr. Basra called during dinner and invited us to Sikh Services Friday night to which a "humpty dumpty black man who is a coach is also going, along with a woman who asked to attend and who was told, "perfect, as two sisters are coming also". On our walk, we saw D, so I was able to give him the pass along card I have been carrying each walk for the past week, sending him to Mormon.org to check out Kevin, a member who is a professional skateboarder! Catherine texted and said she would call later as the kids got in trouble and her parents were over. Sigita, the Lithuanian genealogist I hired to find my maternal ancestors, said she found birth, baptismal and marriage dates after 30 hours of research which she would send me upon receipt of 240 Euros, which I am happy to do....most grateful. I think mother must be helping on the other side. It is only 10 p.m. so there is plenty of time for something else to happen today!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I'm a Mormon Campaign coming to Atlanta!
We received an additional set of elders in our ward today in anticipation of October's launch of the church's "I'm A Mormon" media campaign which had a successful run in New York City. Once the stats were in, the church learned that 54% of all active Mormons were asked questions about the church after seeing IAM. The members here in Atlanta, unlike the ones in NY, are being prepared to respond to the questions from their non-member friends and acquaintances. Elder Ballard, who was here recently, told us that the Lord has prepared tens of thousands of people to accept the gospel, now we all get to find them, and IAM will help. Elder Perry said that since 1830 the church has been conducting missionary work essentially the same way and it is time to turn a corner. Technology is what is going to allow us to bring the gospel to the Chinese people and others, including these people in Atlanta. We are to engage them in meaningful caring conversations, easy to do, and then hand them, if it seems appropriate, a Mormon.org pass along card with the name of one of the members whose video is on the website, or our name and phone number, or whatever else seems the thing to do. On Mormon.org they can chat with missionaries at the Provo MTC, learn more of Jesus Christ, see FAQ's We all have our marching orders!
Last night our Apartment Manager, Angela, went to the General Women's Broadcast with us. She got it....she said women have a mission to perform. We are hoping she wants to go to church in which case we will go to Marietta to attend her prospective ward with her.
C came to Sacrament Meeting today and was enthralled by every speaker and with the truths she heard. So grateful. She registered with Labor Ready and goes in at 8:30 tomorrow morning to see if there is any work for her.
After C exhausted clothing and food sources with no luck last week while sitting with me in the office, we gave her some money for a used pair of jeans and work boots and for food. We are going to invite her and her son, Justin to come for pizza and a meeting with the missionaries, which she has already expressed an interest in. She is often needed nights by her parents, so we will see. She and I were having a gospel discussion the other day and were discussing baptism. What I have always been taught about baptism's being symbolic of the old creature dying, and then coming up out of the water as a new person, born again as it were, pure and clean before God. I was overcome with emotion thinking of C and of all she has suffered, the guilt, the abuse, and what it would mean to her to in an instant be healed of all that as she is baptized. It was so sublime and loving that I could hardly handle the joy of that moment yet in the future for C. How grateful I am to the Savior who's sufferimg makes that day possible for her and for us all.
Last night our Apartment Manager, Angela, went to the General Women's Broadcast with us. She got it....she said women have a mission to perform. We are hoping she wants to go to church in which case we will go to Marietta to attend her prospective ward with her.
C came to Sacrament Meeting today and was enthralled by every speaker and with the truths she heard. So grateful. She registered with Labor Ready and goes in at 8:30 tomorrow morning to see if there is any work for her.
After C exhausted clothing and food sources with no luck last week while sitting with me in the office, we gave her some money for a used pair of jeans and work boots and for food. We are going to invite her and her son, Justin to come for pizza and a meeting with the missionaries, which she has already expressed an interest in. She is often needed nights by her parents, so we will see. She and I were having a gospel discussion the other day and were discussing baptism. What I have always been taught about baptism's being symbolic of the old creature dying, and then coming up out of the water as a new person, born again as it were, pure and clean before God. I was overcome with emotion thinking of C and of all she has suffered, the guilt, the abuse, and what it would mean to her to in an instant be healed of all that as she is baptized. It was so sublime and loving that I could hardly handle the joy of that moment yet in the future for C. How grateful I am to the Savior who's sufferimg makes that day possible for her and for us all.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A Simple Sweet Thing
Yesterday the power source to my laptop went out so I ordered a new one, but in the meantime had a mountain of work to get done, so I asked permission of my Director to come in to the office and work after hours. I assured my companion she did not have to come. Daryl gave his permission which I was grateful for as in the past he said I could not be here alone at night. Plenty of stories of muggings and the like. After dinner I returned and settled in, just me, Pandora internet radio/Mo Tab, and my work. About 10:00 I hear a man talking, coming closer to my office. I was cool as a cucumber and not the least bit alarmed, and no need to be. He was in the building checking out something in the storehouse and I remarked I was relieved to see he was not a serial killer. He needed to be let out through my door as the alarm system is tricky. Very pleasant man....he left, I went back to work thoroughly grateful for this opportunity I had to get the work done despite my computer's being out of commission. This morning I am called to the front desk, and there is the gentleman in a white shirt and tie....a former Bishop, I am told! So...the sweetness of the whole experience does not escape me. Last night, to feel the spirit, when I don't realize I am feeling it because it is in the form of calm, peace, no question of being alarmed....but present nonetheless. I am so grateful for these sweet simple almost unnoticed manifestations of reassurance and constant care from my Heavenly Father even when I am not aware it is happening...so grateful.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Full Hearts
C came to church today and once again our prayers have been answered: she was walking with no ill effects from her injury and she felt the spirit of Sacrament Meeting from beginning to end. She could only stay for this one meeting . Elder Nelson and I spoke at length of her situation. He is going to most likely be transferred soon and wants to arrange for several sisters to fellowship her. I agree as I think Daryl is going to be sending us out again on Sundays very soon to promote our services among the stakes. I encouraged Elder Nelson to fast and pray that C will get employment so she can move out and establish a happy healthy home. She is doing all she can to accomplish that.
Yesterday we went to the temple and did initiatories. The spirit was strong, not because the women were present, but in verification of the truthfulness and power of these ordinances; also as a witness that they were indeed performed anciently. I cherished the experience. The last name I did was Mary....born in England in 1638...and her I felt. Before going in, I recognized Vicki who had been a lady I worked with at the ERC. She waited for me and invited Sister P and I to go to lunch with her at the Dekalb Farmer's Market...one of our favorite places. Vicki had shared with me a special experience she had relative to General Conference many years ago when her daughter was young and rambunctious. Those were the days when we all met at church to watch the proceedings from Salt Lake. She found herself wondering why in the world she was there when all she was doing was struggling with her lively daughter; she stayed however and was able to hear James E. Faust's talk on something like "Keys That Never Rust". In his talk he mentioned a small group of people who sought refuge in the Alps from the Catholic Church. Vicki's grandfather was descended from these Waldesians. The founder of the group came to realize that it was possible for a man (or woman) to receive revelation directly from God without the need of a priest. He and all who thought as he, the Waldesians, were branded as heretics and fled to the caves of the Alps. Whenever some of them were discovered by the "catholic militia" or whatever their name was, the cave entrance was blocked, a fire was built and they were smothered alive. Elder Faust's mentioning them in his talk that day was a witness to her that HF was mindful of her as an individual and there would be something said specifically for her.
Received an interesting call this week from a Major Denise Smith, a former military MP who recently moved here from Florida where she was the Executive Director of a Private School for troubled kids. She sent her resume for review and also sent me links to her websites. Am also working with a 62 year old grandmother
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor Day in Georgia
Rain from Hurricane Lee and a tornado watch, but we were undeterred as our holidays are few and far between. We began our day in the kitchen with me making Mexicali Corn Dip and Sister P making pepper jelly. Then off to the Bishop's Storehouse to fill orders for the trucks going out on Tuesday. Back home to change into skirts and off for our adventure. I put some pass along cards into my purse and said a prayer that I would be able to hand some out. First stop was Office Depot so Sister Peterson could buy a backpack on wheels for her p 72 hour kit. As she was checking out I spotted a Hispanic woman standing waiting for someone, so I walked up to her and started chatting. I asked her if she had a family and when she responded in the affirmative, I offered her a pass along card that allowed her to send for a free DVD with ideas for creating a more loving family, which she accepted. Come to find out she has lived in the Yakima, Wapato, Sunnyside area of Washington state! My prayer was answered and she was the only opportunity the remainder of the day! Off to Kohl's so I could buy an umbrella as I lost my other one or it was stolen from work, as were my inexpensive pair of sunglasses. An expensive camera was also stolen, but that was someone else's error when they neglected to lock it up one night before the cleaners came. We looked to see if Ashley was working, but she wasn't, perhaps she got the new job she was seeking at a store in a mall closer to her home. We also looked for our clerk we like to visit, but she was not on the floor where we could see her. To the store for Sister P to purchase her fruit for the dinner at Karen's later in the day where I saw a BOGO on mayonnais, so I took advantage of that. I looked for someone to chat with, but did not see anyone so off we went to downtown Atlanta. We drove around and found a free parking spot and were glad we had our umbrellas as the rain was steady. It looks as though most of Atlanta had the same idea we had as the rain drove people indoors for Labor Day doings. It was a wonderful couple of hours as we saw beautiful creatures including dragon sea horses, an albino alligator, strange fish, and were able to touch a sting ray as it swam by. Sister P got a nice shot of a swordfish swimming overhead and we also saw the whale sharks feed. Interesting that the largest creatures in the sea eat the smallest ones...plankton! How do they ever get enough?...they are so large. Several hours later we were off for home to cut up the fruit, grab my appetizer and off to Karen's where we had a delicious meal and pleasant conversation. It was sad not to have Jay there but we were glad she did not have to be alone the first Labor Day without him. Home about 8:30 when Sister P started nodding (and so did I) after a very nice day. Grateful I could hand out a pass along card....I am sure it was to a person who Heavenly Father had marked to receive it. We were also grateful we encountered no difficulty of any kind, including tornadoes! I began writing in my journal once I settled down, but fell asleep until 4 a.m. and now it is 5 and I hear the rain pelting the window. Will sleep for an hour and then off we go to another day at the ERC and very grateful to be a missionary.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Cleaning the Church
Shades of home...being able to clean the church. We were there this morning with a couple and a gentleman formerly from Africa. Brother Panda is one of our clients as well. If I could put my two cents worth in to the powers that be, I would have the Young Men provide a Service Project of cleaning the bathrooms! Can you tell who had that unsavory assignment today??? It has been a good week at the ERC with our numbers setting a record with 68 placements recorded this month. Not all of them are those we have placed, but also those we have discovered have found jobs, which is still a great thing. More of our former Career Placement Workshop people are getting work and attributing it to the principles learned and applied from the CW, so it is satisfying to see them applying the formula and securing the blessing! C is working hard to find a job despite the pain she is in from, I think snapping a tendon based on her hearing a snap when the heel of her shoe caught in the step, (as she was coming to church with us last week). She has a doctor's appointment Tuesday. Her therapist told her she was basically raised in a mental institution. She feels hope through her faith and we are grateful she is coming to church with us again on Sunday. I miss my family!
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