Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas In Georgia
My heart is full as I realize that everyday is Christmas for me as I think of the Savior, consciously try to represent Him well, constantly seeking help from Him and Heavenly FAther as I serve these good people, repenting and trying to improve and be more like Them. I couldn't love Him more at Christmas than I do each and every day of this blessed life as a missionary. I am most grateful.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
A Jam Packed Week
Tuesday and Wednesday found us down the road in Powder Springs teaching a two day workshop to 15 people, and what delightful people they were: Charlie Baggett, Nick Pritchett, Jose Gomis, Mike Holmes, Dave Colby, Ron Bass, Kristy Malone, Maricela Harn, Narcos, Joyce Green, Alex Westin, Starla Williams, Seth Hardin, Christ Cordulack, Naycole Sai. We have a teacher, HR student, appraiser/inspector, architect, remodeler, accountant student, two SAP ladies, meatcutter, Business Administration student, salesman, bi-polar genius,and an accountant and three day convert! Got home at 6:30 Wednesday night in time to pick up Catherine for a meeting with the Bishop to get a referral to Developmental Services for employment help. Thursday we had all day training and then that evening we had a PRONET meeting in Sandy Springs. It was a super networking meeting, so whenever they were short a person, I got the nod to sit in the circle. I loved meeting these people! Joel, who is one of Karen's favorites, has a full time job and is also an entrepeneur with three businesses: finding leads for software, facebook application for providing gifts to people by searching all entries for clues, picking up the $500 boxes to return to Cable Companies...besides, he is a gem of a man. Friday: training half a the rest. Seth called wanting me to look at his resume and also to let me know he has an appointment Monday afternoon with the Rome Braves, a minor league team, and this without using any of his contacts!!! LaShonta couldn't keep her appointment because she doesn't have any gas money, but has been working with me over the phone and email working up resumes for a full time job to care for her two year old while she completes her Bacheor's degree in the evenings online. I called Jamshid with a job lead only to find he found a job as a mechanic!!! What a thrill...he was in such a panic when he came into our office several weeks ago. I had put his name on the prayer roll. I put Seth's on today and should have added LaShonta's, but will next week. Friday was a bit of a rough day so after work I went Christmas shopping to keep my mind occupied. There was a sweet uplift, and that was receiving emails from Natalie, April, Bonnie, Dani, Jennie Stanfield, Valerie Kunde, a text from Marissa, a call from Rory, a card from Jill Lichfield, a handmade ornament from Davis, and a whole packet of notes from members of the Meadow Springs Ward sent by Ellen Sly. The tenderest of mercies! Fell asleep working and awoke at 3:45 a.m. so I got all my family's cards and packets ready to mail with their checks and odds and ends gifts. Also got my email Christmas letter out. We went to our usual 9 a.m. temple session where I did the work for Mary Ann Slauter, one of Sister P's relatives by marriage. Friday night Jarron and Dani and other family members were in the temple. Saturday morning Tiffany and Bruce were doing the initiatory work for 50 ancestors on the Mitchell side. After the temple a half hour line at the Post Office, but I got all of Christmas mailed! To the store to buy some fruit to take to the Ward Christmas Party that night. A few hours at home to putter and off we went. So nicely decorated, a tasty breakfast was served, and the kids got to see Santa. Catherine and Justin came, so that was great! Elders Salomonson and Nelson were there to fellowship them and others. Justin paid his tithing and will be getting a call on Tuesday for an interview at the new Chipotle, and then will follow up with McDonalds as well. Party over, but not before Sister P and I had our pictures taken with Santa! To Walmart for Sister P to pick up photos while I called Sonya to see if she still was going to church with us tomorrow in Conyers, but a second voice mail in as many days, so....probably not. Home to do some laundry, email a Christmas letters to my home Bishop and to my Stake President. President Meyer and his executive committee had sent me a Christmas letter with each of their testimonies and encouragement. So appreciated, being far from home. Icing on the cake....Amanda is pregnant!
Keeping Myself Humble
The first Saturday of the month Sister P and I usually sign up to clean the church. Choosing to clean the bathrooms keeps me humble...VERY humble. It is a great deal more painful when Heavenly Father humbles me, so I try to take care of that myself. I am not into pain! We signed up in Relief Society but did not show up on Brother Stice's list that Saturday, but those who were on the list did not come! I am sure they had good reasons, but if not....they need to clean some bathrooms!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Thanksgiving Day to Remember
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Gladys Knight McDowell!
Friday and Saturday nights we took investigators to a series of firesides presented by Gladys Knight and her Saints Unified Voices Choir. It was a fabulous experience and gauging by the audience's reaction there will be many who will join the church, especially among the African Americans present. The missionaries were gathering request cards right and left and I am assuming it was because the testimonies Sister Knight and her husband, William McDowell, bore were so powerful and convincing. It was a privilege to be a part of it all. Two of our investigators filled out cards, one is waiting until after her finals mid December, and the other two asked us to bring copies of the Book of Mormon to Thanksgiving Dinner! This is thrilling!
Elder Gonzales, our Area Authority said that all senior missionaries are to be at Zone Conference, so that is where we were this past Wednesday. From President Satterfield: In training years ago when he was a member of a Stake PResidency, there was an Area Seventy doing the training who had accomplished some stellar successes when he was a STake President. Afterwards, President Satterfield went up and asked him how he did it...what was the magic bullet? His response: "We only did exactly what they asked us to do."
From Sister Satterfield on the power of being positive: Two frogs were hopping through the forest when they fell into a pit. They started hopping with all of their might trying to get out. Another group of frogs came and looked over the edge, and upon seeing the depth of the pit, yelled out, "Why don't you quit wasting your time trying to hop out of this will never make it...why don't you just lay down and die! One of the frogs believed them, quit trying to get out, laid down and died! The other frog hopped even harder. The frogs above yelled to are crazy punishing yourself like are never going to make it. Just give up, yell the are going to die no matter how hard you try. Well...that frog finally was able to get out of that pit! When asked why he didn't believe those frogs who told him it was impossible for him to get out, he responded, "I am deaf. I thought they were cheering me on."
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Happiest Day of My Mission
Yesterday, November 12, 2011 at 11:00, two wonderful people were baptized...Catherine Herbst and her son, Justin. There are no words to describe the joy I felt seeing them come up out of the waters of baptism, new people who are as clean and pure as the day they were born. A new life and a new start...they were glowing. You have to be older and have heard and seen a lot of people's life stories to appreciate just what it means to have your sins and guilt washed be truly repentant and have hope that you can have a different life from the one before, especially if you have been a victim of abuse or have made poor choices. Change, purity and happiness are a real hope and I am grateful for this precious gift for each of them, all made possible by Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness and Redemption, and the Savior's role in accomplishing the love and mercy of the Atonement. After the baptism we took Catherine and Justin, Elder Nelson and Elder Salomonson, and Rahab Bola who was going out with the missionaries, to Hibachi Grill Buffett for a celebration Luncheon. Elder Nelson is an exemplary missionary. In a matter of fact way he said in response to the conversation at our table, that there is not one day of his mission he would live over --that he has given his best every day. It is the "two years to serve, and the rest of your life to think about it" regrets. Saturday was a glorious day and one I will cherish always.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Week in Review
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Keep Up, Sister Mitchell, Keep Up
We have started our ward/branch visits to the Powder Springs Stake and will be on the road six of the next seven Sundays. The big plus this time is that the Stake Employment Specialist is the former Stake President who we are accompanying on these visits. We love having the priesthood smooth our way and give us counsel. We also have a two day Career Workshop we will be teaching in the Fayetteville Stake a week from Tuesday, and then another in the PS Stake the first week in December. We four missionaries in the office are also putting our heads together to see what we can do further to help our non professional candidates get jobs. The interviews are not coming, so we had a brainstorming session a week ago, have been pondering, and now will come together again to see what we can come up with. We are considering a mini job fair....
It is interesting that my two most discouraged candidates both have Masters Degrees in English....but no hard skills. They are both working to remedy that with a series of computer classes.
Halloween in tomorrow night and I am thinking of all my favorite little ghosties and goblins who will be trick-or-treating tomorrow night back in Washington, Oregon. and Utah. I love and miss them all.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Bits and Pieces
On our way to the temple Friday at 4:00 -- we were going as an office -- Sister P hit the curb of a tight round about and knew instantly there was a problem. Two men came running as they heard a loud noise, which we didn't hear, and knew someone was in trouble. Toung changed the tire, which had a 2x4 inch hole in it, and then Rick, who was riding a bike, led us to the Chevron he has been frequenting for 32 years. We were on a side road, so were very grateful these two knights in shining armor were there to help. Rick thought we were nuns!
I received a letter this week from Adomas Riauka, my 80 something second cousin of sorts in Lithuania. Tomorrow I will scan the letter at work and send it to my computer so google can translate it for me. He sent me a picture of him and his son at the grave of his dear Janine, along with a small wooden ornament -- a shirt with Lietuva written on it (Lithuania). Chad said he would go with me to visit him after my mission. Sigita, a professional genealogist in Lithuania found the marriage record of my maternal great grandparents, so now sealings can take place. It has been a long search over many years, and I am most grateful.
The weather is turning rainy so now instead of walking each evening, we are going to the exercise room where I am using the recumbent bike and Sister P is using the treadmill.
Today, one of our candidates overslept and missed attending church with us, which she very much enjoys and feels she needs. Every Sunday for the last four weeks a challenge has presented itself resulting in her not coming....we discussed how Satan operates like this. She gave her copy of the Book of Mormon to her son, so she has requested another for her. She has been listening to the "Woman at the Well" CD and feels a great uplift from the messages.
One candidate I am working with called me during church and left a voice mail saying there was an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Mormons that she thought I might be interested in! She has taken an interest in the I'm A Mormon if she will take an interested in becoming one herself.
Last night at Dr. Basra's invitation we attended the G6 Summit, a concert of ancient Sikh music performed by musicians from six countries. One goal of the Sikh religion is to promote brotherhood and peace throughout the world. Very simply stated, I could see where my Sikh friends could be transported (their words) by the music and lyrics, but since the words were Punjabi, I could only sense devotion. I thought of the significance of the Lord's design for the gospel's going forth to every people in their native tongue.
It is going to be difficult for me to return to the Tri-Cities and see nothing but white faced people after coming to love and appreciate the goodness of my special friends who come from many different cultures and persuasions.
Ethiopian Festival
President and Sister Satterfield
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Our Dr. Tejpal Singh Basra
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A Day In The Life...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I'm a Mormon Campaign coming to Atlanta!
Last night our Apartment Manager, Angela, went to the General Women's Broadcast with us. She got it....she said women have a mission to perform. We are hoping she wants to go to church in which case we will go to Marietta to attend her prospective ward with her.
C came to Sacrament Meeting today and was enthralled by every speaker and with the truths she heard. So grateful. She registered with Labor Ready and goes in at 8:30 tomorrow morning to see if there is any work for her.
After C exhausted clothing and food sources with no luck last week while sitting with me in the office, we gave her some money for a used pair of jeans and work boots and for food. We are going to invite her and her son, Justin to come for pizza and a meeting with the missionaries, which she has already expressed an interest in. She is often needed nights by her parents, so we will see. She and I were having a gospel discussion the other day and were discussing baptism. What I have always been taught about baptism's being symbolic of the old creature dying, and then coming up out of the water as a new person, born again as it were, pure and clean before God. I was overcome with emotion thinking of C and of all she has suffered, the guilt, the abuse, and what it would mean to her to in an instant be healed of all that as she is baptized. It was so sublime and loving that I could hardly handle the joy of that moment yet in the future for C. How grateful I am to the Savior who's sufferimg makes that day possible for her and for us all.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A Simple Sweet Thing
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Full Hearts
C came to church today and once again our prayers have been answered: she was walking with no ill effects from her injury and she felt the spirit of Sacrament Meeting from beginning to end. She could only stay for this one meeting . Elder Nelson and I spoke at length of her situation. He is going to most likely be transferred soon and wants to arrange for several sisters to fellowship her. I agree as I think Daryl is going to be sending us out again on Sundays very soon to promote our services among the stakes. I encouraged Elder Nelson to fast and pray that C will get employment so she can move out and establish a happy healthy home. She is doing all she can to accomplish that.
Yesterday we went to the temple and did initiatories. The spirit was strong, not because the women were present, but in verification of the truthfulness and power of these ordinances; also as a witness that they were indeed performed anciently. I cherished the experience. The last name I did was Mary....born in England in 1638...and her I felt. Before going in, I recognized Vicki who had been a lady I worked with at the ERC. She waited for me and invited Sister P and I to go to lunch with her at the Dekalb Farmer's of our favorite places. Vicki had shared with me a special experience she had relative to General Conference many years ago when her daughter was young and rambunctious. Those were the days when we all met at church to watch the proceedings from Salt Lake. She found herself wondering why in the world she was there when all she was doing was struggling with her lively daughter; she stayed however and was able to hear James E. Faust's talk on something like "Keys That Never Rust". In his talk he mentioned a small group of people who sought refuge in the Alps from the Catholic Church. Vicki's grandfather was descended from these Waldesians. The founder of the group came to realize that it was possible for a man (or woman) to receive revelation directly from God without the need of a priest. He and all who thought as he, the Waldesians, were branded as heretics and fled to the caves of the Alps. Whenever some of them were discovered by the "catholic militia" or whatever their name was, the cave entrance was blocked, a fire was built and they were smothered alive. Elder Faust's mentioning them in his talk that day was a witness to her that HF was mindful of her as an individual and there would be something said specifically for her.
Received an interesting call this week from a Major Denise Smith, a former military MP who recently moved here from Florida where she was the Executive Director of a Private School for troubled kids. She sent her resume for review and also sent me links to her websites. Am also working with a 62 year old grandmother
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor Day in Georgia
Rain from Hurricane Lee and a tornado watch, but we were undeterred as our holidays are few and far between. We began our day in the kitchen with me making Mexicali Corn Dip and Sister P making pepper jelly. Then off to the Bishop's Storehouse to fill orders for the trucks going out on Tuesday. Back home to change into skirts and off for our adventure. I put some pass along cards into my purse and said a prayer that I would be able to hand some out. First stop was Office Depot so Sister Peterson could buy a backpack on wheels for her p 72 hour kit. As she was checking out I spotted a Hispanic woman standing waiting for someone, so I walked up to her and started chatting. I asked her if she had a family and when she responded in the affirmative, I offered her a pass along card that allowed her to send for a free DVD with ideas for creating a more loving family, which she accepted. Come to find out she has lived in the Yakima, Wapato, Sunnyside area of Washington state! My prayer was answered and she was the only opportunity the remainder of the day! Off to Kohl's so I could buy an umbrella as I lost my other one or it was stolen from work, as were my inexpensive pair of sunglasses. An expensive camera was also stolen, but that was someone else's error when they neglected to lock it up one night before the cleaners came. We looked to see if Ashley was working, but she wasn't, perhaps she got the new job she was seeking at a store in a mall closer to her home. We also looked for our clerk we like to visit, but she was not on the floor where we could see her. To the store for Sister P to purchase her fruit for the dinner at Karen's later in the day where I saw a BOGO on mayonnais, so I took advantage of that. I looked for someone to chat with, but did not see anyone so off we went to downtown Atlanta. We drove around and found a free parking spot and were glad we had our umbrellas as the rain was steady. It looks as though most of Atlanta had the same idea we had as the rain drove people indoors for Labor Day doings. It was a wonderful couple of hours as we saw beautiful creatures including dragon sea horses, an albino alligator, strange fish, and were able to touch a sting ray as it swam by. Sister P got a nice shot of a swordfish swimming overhead and we also saw the whale sharks feed. Interesting that the largest creatures in the sea eat the smallest ones...plankton! How do they ever get enough?...they are so large. Several hours later we were off for home to cut up the fruit, grab my appetizer and off to Karen's where we had a delicious meal and pleasant conversation. It was sad not to have Jay there but we were glad she did not have to be alone the first Labor Day without him. Home about 8:30 when Sister P started nodding (and so did I) after a very nice day. Grateful I could hand out a pass along card....I am sure it was to a person who Heavenly Father had marked to receive it. We were also grateful we encountered no difficulty of any kind, including tornadoes! I began writing in my journal once I settled down, but fell asleep until 4 a.m. and now it is 5 and I hear the rain pelting the window. Will sleep for an hour and then off we go to another day at the ERC and very grateful to be a missionary.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Cleaning the Church
Shades of home...being able to clean the church. We were there this morning with a couple and a gentleman formerly from Africa. Brother Panda is one of our clients as well. If I could put my two cents worth in to the powers that be, I would have the Young Men provide a Service Project of cleaning the bathrooms! Can you tell who had that unsavory assignment today??? It has been a good week at the ERC with our numbers setting a record with 68 placements recorded this month. Not all of them are those we have placed, but also those we have discovered have found jobs, which is still a great thing. More of our former Career Placement Workshop people are getting work and attributing it to the principles learned and applied from the CW, so it is satisfying to see them applying the formula and securing the blessing! C is working hard to find a job despite the pain she is in from, I think snapping a tendon based on her hearing a snap when the heel of her shoe caught in the step, (as she was coming to church with us last week). She has a doctor's appointment Tuesday. Her therapist told her she was basically raised in a mental institution. She feels hope through her faith and we are grateful she is coming to church with us again on Sunday. I miss my family!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Full Days, Weeks and Healing
We taught our sixth Career Workshop this past week where we trained the Gibsons, our wonderful new missionary couple at the ERC, and also the Connors who are church service missionaries assigned to the Raleigh, South Carolina ERC. Delightful people....we learned much from them. Several of our past CW clients have found work, so that is very satisfying to see the principles applied and the blessings received. Friday we had an office party for Sister P as it was her birthday. She doesn't like sweets and only wanted a peach, so that is what I sliced on a plate with a dollop of cream and a cherry. The rest of us had ice cream, banana pudding, and black-eyed pea salsa. Now doesn't that sound appetizing! After work we went straight to a co-worker's house to clean as she and her husband have bought their first house and need to get out of their rental. Her husband, Scott, said to us, 'I hope this doesn't offend you, but you are like our mothers!" We felt highly complimented as both of their families are states away! We had an opportunity to be mothers again on Saturday when we attended the sealing ceremony of Vincent and Marilyn. Vincent works next to us in the Bishop's Storehouse in the Warehouse. His mother is inactive and could not be at the temple nor the reception, so once again, we were highly complimented to be "mothers" there for him and his lovely bride, Marilyn. We care a great deal about Vincent so it was wonderful to feel the spirit as the ordinance took place so we could know this was right. This is their second marriage and both have children, so there will be some adjusting. Church was very tender today as C and her son came with us for the first time. C was adopted as an infant and has suffered at the hands of abusers ever since childhood. When she came to the ERC for the first time she mentioned in the course of the registration process that she was visiting churches trying to find the one right for her. I will state the obvious,Heavenly Father is very much with this amazing woman. Her experiences would have turned a normal person bitter and hard, but her heart is very tender and compassionate. From the Opening Hymn in Sacrament Meeting to the closing song in RS and everything in between: Reverence, Love, Personal Revelation, Prophets, The Sabbath, The Sacrament, The Atonement, Pain, Becoming as a Little all resonated with her; she is feeling love and welcome and truth. We, with C are meeting with the elders Wednesday evening at church. Elder Nelson was hoping Justin would come to Young Men's that evening. I am eager to hear how he felt about his experience today. People may wonder how I can say Heavenly Father is watching over C when He allowed horrible things to happen to her. I am sure I have no glib answer, but I do have my opinion and it is this. Before we came to this earth, we lived in bliss with our Heavenly parents...perfect love, but we were children, not living the kind of life our Heavenly parents live. We were given the opportunity for that kind of exalted life, but it meant leaving an unimaginable place of light and love and in effect, jumping into "darkness"; coming to earth to fulfill that portion of Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness that requires a body, learning, testing, and acquiring the attributes of Jesus Christ. It is my opinion that in allowing C her agency, Heavenly Father said to her, "this is the plan I have detailed for you; it will involve suffering as others use their agency exactly opposite to my plan of love and kindness. If I always intervene and prevent improper use of agency, prevent suffering, there is no agency. No one can prove themselves or develop through overcoming, because there is nothing to overcome." What would make C choose such a painful plan? It is difficult to imagine what would be worth that kind of suffering only because we cannot remember our pre-mortal life with Heavenly Father. If the veil were lifted and we could glimpse that life, we would make the same choice I believe C made....She would go through anything to have the chance to live together forever exalted in the Celestial Kingdom never to be parted. Anything! If we could would not be a would not be required as it is now. A loving Heavenly Father has brought C to a place where the gospel can be introduced to her....and it rings true. She is about to be able to choose to be completely and forever healed through our loving Savior and through His Gospel.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Conference with an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Today was one of those days with an experience you don’t even think of dreaming about. We drove to Fayetteville for an hour and a half missionary conference with Elder M. Russell Ballard of The Council of the Twelve Apostles. The congregation was extremely reverent while waiting for the meeting to start in anticipation of hearing from a special witness of Jesus Christ. “Reverence Invites Revelation” was written on a sign in the hall. Elder Ballard brought with him Elder Gay, a Seventy who served as a Mission President in Ghana.
Highlights from Elder Ballard’s remarks:
Elder Ballard called a missionary companionship out of the audience to teach him the first discussion as if he were an investigator, including reciting from memory Joseph Smith’s testimony of the First Vision. I was able to recite the words in my mind along with him. We were instructed to memorize this in the MTC so I was happy for that missionary that he had been obedient and could fulfill Elder Ballard’s request with confidence.
· We must accelerate! We have to move! Heavenly Father is discouraged over the condition of the human family. (Elder G: It’s about the last days and about gathering.)
· The Rescue, conversion and reactivation, always begins not with what people know, but with what they feel.
· This is a war! The War in Heaven did not end with the expulsion of Lucifer and his hosts; it rages today in the hearts of men. (2Ne:28)
· Lucifer will do anything he can do to eliminate unity between missionaries and members. (Elder G: No mission will reach its full potential without engaging the members.)
· The full time missionaries are a very important part of the ward council.
· When investigators visit the auxiliaries, myths are dispelled.
· Bishops should take responsibility to see that Sacrament Meeting is a spiritual experience every Sunday with the focus being partaking of the Sacrament in remembrance of the sacrifice of the Savior. He has been in Sacrament meetings where the only mention of Christ was in the Sacrament prayers and in the opening and closing prayers. We should teach and preach of Christ so Sacrament Meeting becomes a sanctuary, a holy place, a spiritual experience.
· He has given more thought than probably any other member of the Council of the Twelve as to why so many people drop out after the first discussion: we do not teach with understanding. The investigator does not grasp the principle of God’s being his literal loving Father in Heaven. They are off in left field asking some fantastic question. Missionaries should respectfully bring the discussion back to the principle of a loving Father in Heaven with a Plan for His children.
· Don’t scare people off by committing them to baptism with the first discussion; rather say to them, “ as we teach you, and as you begin to know these things are true, we are going to invite you to be baptized.” This opens the door and introduces the thought of baptism.
· Missionaries, don’t try to do this work on your own; focus on trusting HIM. Let Heaven assist you by having a prayer in your heart all day. Great and marvelous are the blessings when They are involved.
· The Lord, Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father are marvelous wonderful gentlemen – They only come when they are invited.
· Measure the success of your missionary work by how strong the stakes and wards are.
· Be the kind of missionary your mother thinks you are.
· We are on the Lord’s errand; it is the greatest privilege anyone can have, to be His servant. May we serve Him well.
During the closing hymn, #319, Ye Elders of Israel, there was a verse where all the missionaries stood up during the hymn and then sat down at the end of a verse and continued singing. Before the closing prayer, Elder Ballard stood up and asked the audience to not begin practices that are not the order of the church. He said, “Stake Presidents, Bishops, take care of this.” He stated he hoped no one was upset with this but that part of the assignment of the Quorum of the Twelve was to go throughout the church and regulate it, making sure all was done in accordance with the guidelines.
Elder Ballard stated that they kept us in the meeting a half an hour longer than planned and that they had to be at a Young Single Adult Conference at 5:00, so….he asked everyone to lift their right hands in a certain position and then shake it….he said, “Good. Now I have shaken all of your hands.” There were gathered in that meeting, under one roof, every priesthood leader with the keys of Rescue for that Coordinating Council…stake presidents, bishops, branch presidents, missionaries, ward mission leaders, and none of them got to shake Elder Ballard’s hand, because he had to leave at the conclusion of the prayer; however….two missionaries who did not hold keys were able to shake Elder Ballard’s hand, and that was Sister Peterson and myself. Before the meeting began, as Sister Peterson and I were by the water fountain, Elder Ballard came by and when he saw us, asked to shake our hands. As I sat in the chapel before the meeting began thinking of what just happened, I realized that when I shook Elder Ballard’s hand, I was able to look into his eyes and hold a level steady gaze, completely at ease and most grateful to be shaking the hand of an Apostle. This has significance only to me because I am very conscious of my faults that I have to do battle with everyday and I am constantly praying to Heavenly Father for help in overcoming them. How can I be the missionary I should be when this battle is ever with me? This tender mercy with Elder Ballard, an Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ, helped me realize that I am acceptable to Him as a missionary with no cause for guilt because of my struggles with my imperfections. It was extremely humbling to recognize that Heavenly Father is aware of my struggles and chose to reassure me in such a magnificent way…an experience I will cherish always.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Newest Little Ward Member
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Heavenly Father Loves All of His Children
Sunday, July 24, 2011
A Humbling and Sad Last Few Days
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Plantation at Stone Mountain
This is the Plantation House, the Dickey house, which was moved to this site along with all of the other buildings. They removed all of the porches and stairs, divided the house into four pieces and then moved it. Quite a feat. It is a beautiful home and has over 6200 square feet.
A Marvelous Hour Together
Treasure #25
Monday, July 4, 2011
The Fourth of July
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Enjoying Our Fellow Residents at the Bar-b-que
Friday, July 1, 2011
A Day of Surprises
My surprises continued as we arrived home and I found a package from Rory and Cambria. It is official....I am truly a missionary as I got a care package!!! It had some chocolate!, a box of granola, a beautiful candle in blue blown glass to remind me of the ocean, some blue dishtowels, and a glorious photo frame with three pictures of Hudson, one of which is with Cambria! Adorable! I also received letters and notes from the Robertsons and from the Creers, along with a gift card to Target. The Creers also called and left me a message singing Happy Birthday. Derek called that evening and Dani texted. Today from Marissa and family I got a beautiful framed picture of the children taken at Howard Amon along with snowflake pictures. Chad texted saying Bonnie and children would be in the ATlanta airport next SAturday with a layover. We will be there! Sister Satterfield, the mission president's wife called and left me the nicest message...makes time for the individual missionary. I have felt very blessed by family and friends.